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Crurco Itidinz writes...     
ConfessionsSomething I did
I hit a parked car and left. I am terrified it will come back to bite me.
I went to park and the car next to me, the back wheel was over the line and I didn’t realize. I scraped the back bumper. I panicked, thought it was way worse than it was. When I saw it was just scratched, I was so relieved I thought “ok not really as big a deal” and went inside. Was gone about 20-30 minutes. I know I should’ve waited for the person but was so scared. When I came back they were gone.
    I thought it was over, but today I had some fairly minor damage to my car, a cover popped off because of the hit. My dad noticed the scratches and freaked. He asked if I hit something. Again I panicked and said no. He said someone must’ve hit me and I should get the cover put back on.
    I’m so terrified this will come back to bite me. He’ll find out I’ve lied and berate me. The person I hit will find out who I am and my insurance will skyrocket to a rate I can’t afford or worse.
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