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Bruga Stoolteg writes...     
My mother possibly died from an adverse reaction to the J&J vaccine. Still, get vaccinated.
Three weeks ago, my mother was vaccinated with the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Two weeks ago, she had a hemorrhagic stroke and was declared brain dead two days later.
    Then the news broke about 6 women developing similar issues after being vaccinated. And anti-vaxers latched on and started using what’s happened as proof of the dangers of vaccines. My mother’s case may or may not have been related to her vaccine, but she fits with the other cases and is being investigated.
    My mother was a lifelong believer in science and vaccinations especially. She was a curious, passionate woman who despised the fear mongering of the anti-vaccine movement. She would be rolling over in her grave if she thought her death might contribute to bad faith medical quackery.
    So here is a message from her daughter: get vaccinated. If the J&J vaccine is deemed safe for you, take that. Vaccination saves far more lives than it claims and we have a social obligation to take that tiny tiny risk for ourselves for the sake of our global well being.
    RIP mom. I will love you forever.
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