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Prazo Aruzez writes...     
My JournalDieting
Day 2 of my £10 a week diet journal
96.4kg this morning.
    My evening meal (i.e. only meal) tonight was mince stew with a baked potato. At the time of writing I´ve had a glass of red wine from a bottle somebody gifted me.
    225g minced beef (52p) 450 kcal
    half onion (12p) 20kcal
    jar pasta-type sauce (46p) 100 kcal
    some mushrooms (15p) 10 kcal
    bisto and other seasoning (25p max) 20 kcal
    potato (15p) 200 kcal
    wine (free) 300 kcal
    coffee/tea 10kcal (10p)
    Spend: £1.75
    Calories: 1110 kcal
    Running total after 2 days: £2.76, 2760 kcal
    Average daily: £1.38, 1380 kcal
    A couple of months ago I was 110kg. Target is sub 90kg which translates to sub 200lb.
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Prazo Aruzez wrote on 19-Apr-2021 at 09:55
I will do a calculation on tea and coffee later. It´s one large spoon of coffee in a flask to sip through the day, and 1 tea bag in the evening (in a flask again). I think around 60p per week, which I´ll account for. Maybe I´ll just round to 10p per day?

Verka Stekneg wrote on 19-Apr-2021 at 09:37
Interesting idea to combine financial restrictions to weight restrictions. Potential double win. What about coffee and tea? I assume you drink them.

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