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Prazo Aruzez writes...     
My JournalDieting
Day 5 of my £10 a week diet journal
This morning I weighed 95.4kg, that´s 1.4kg down in 5 days.
    I ate this evening:
    rice (20p) 330 kcal (boil in the bag, good and cheap. Never buy the microwave pouches!)
    chicken curry can (99p) 370 kcal (not very nice)
    sardines can (50p) 200 kcal (I was still hungry and had a little of the rice left)
    1 banana (10p) 100 kcal (the usual ´dessert´)
    coffee and sundries (10p) 10 kcal
    2 potato waffles (12p) 210 kcal (late supper, just the thing).
    haggis (15p) 100 kcal (spread on the above)
    Apart from baked beans canned food will break the budget. Tomorrow I will have to resolve it.
    Spent: £2.04 on the above
    Calories: 1320 kcal
    Running total after 5 days: £8.46, 7020 kcal
    Average daily: £1.69, 1404 kcal
    I have to eat for 85p each in the next couple of days. Can I do it?
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